ParenthoodBecoming a parent is an inspiring, engaging, and often challenging process. There are so many practical, social, and medical considerations, so many ups and downs, so many deep questions. And there is also a spiritual side to becoming a good parent, and welcoming a new child to this earth with your family.
If you seek support with the spiritual or soul level questions of becoming a parent, you are welcome to come to the Fireside Lodge. We begin our work with a chat about your path and your needs. I will then do a drum journey to find out what needs to happen. I might suggest both healing and ceremonial work to help you welcome the spirit of the child and step fully into the parent role. You may involve other family members or friends in the ceremonial parts, and we will discuss how we can include them. The ability to journey yourself - to access inner guidance -will come in handy when you struggle with specific parenting questions. I can teach you how to do it, or you can come on regular guided journey sessions. |
This will be useful if...
Important to remember...
When we engage with the universe and our deepest essence on questions such as parenthood and conception, we do it in a humble way.
Children may or may not join you on this earth journey, and they may find you in their own ways and at their own speed. Regardless of whether a child joins you, your work at the Fireside Lodge will create healing, balance and new strength for you. It will connect you to your full potential and creative energy, and it will open you up to honour your path. |
Example: Trevor and Joanne's Journey
Trevor and Joanne* came to the Fireside Lodge because they had been having trouble conceiving and could not decide whether they should undergo IVF treatment. My initial diagnostic journey revealed an energy blockage in the ancestry line: both Joanne’s mother and grandmother had had several miscarriages and the energetic ‘memory’ of these experiences was affecting Joanne. The first part of our work together therefore was ancestral re-balancing, which also included a cleansing and healing of Joanne’s ‘spirit womb.’
After this session, I worked with Trevor and Joanne to design a ceremony that would empower their fertility journey. First, I led them on a guided drum journey to meet their ‘True Selves’ and explore whether there were thoughts, feelings, or experiences they would have to let go to enable their parenthood. These were symbolically drawn on a piece of paper and given to the Sacred Fire in the garden. Trevor and Joanne then went out to the park to connect to nature and fully step into their power as parents. They brought gifts to a tree of their choice and asked the tree for advice and blessings for their journey. When we came together again, we worked with the Medicine Wheel - the Wheel of Life. The intention was to give Trevor and Joanne more inspiration and strength for parenthood by connecting them to the gifts and teachings of the four directions and the four elements. In another tour around the Medicine Wheel, the spirit of the child that they invited into their life was welcomed and the child’s path connected with the strengthening and balancing energies of the Wheel. A few weeks after this work, Joanne said:
"I have not conceived yet, so we are still trying for a baby. Sometimes, I still get frustrated. However overall, we feel much better, stronger, more at peace– both as individuals and as a couple. IVF remains an option, and we are also considering adoption, which was out of the question before, because we just felt too insecure as parents of ‘somebody else’s baby’. Generally, we feel much more open and relaxed about it all, as we seem more connected to the process of welcoming a child-spirit into our lives. We don’t find it so important any more how this spirit finds their way to us."
* names are changed |