What is 'Journeying'?
Drum Journeys are probably the best known and most widely practiced technique of both traditional and core shamanism. The drum beat allows us to alter our state of consciousness for a short period of time, in a very intentional and disciplined way. Using this 'non-ordinary' mind, we can experience aspects of our reality which the analytical mind can't reach. There we might find new inspiration, healing energy, new ways of looking at the world...
Drum Journeying - like other aspects of Shamanism - fosters our ability to stop thinking in a logical way and open ourselves up to a different way of being and perceiving. There are other methods to do this: meditating, praying, being in nature, connecting to art, dancing, attending a sweatlodge, etc. |
When we widen our consciousness and connect to non-ordinary reality, we are supported by ‘spirit allies’ who help us find new inspiration, deep knowledge, healing potential and positive life direction.