What is the Medicine Wheel?The Medicine Wheel is a map of the universe and a roadmap on how to integrate, balance and focus our lives.
It is a core concept of many ancient societies - from the cultures of First Nation People, such as Native Americans or Australian Aborigines, to the Kabbala of the Jews, to the Wheel of Life of Asian cultures. The teachings of the Medicine Wheel are connected to many powerful methods of healing, generating knowledge, accessing Earth wisdom, facing one's shadow sides, bringing one's gifts to the world, working with paradoxes and developing on a spiral path. When our life is guided by the Medicine Wheel, we walk in Beauty. The Structure of the WheelIt contains an outer circle with the four core directions and the positions in between, which all have specific qualities and teachings. For example, the East brings the gifts of the morning sun, of spring: new beginnings, new birth, the carefree state of childhood, the spirit of fire, passion of new ideas.
In the middle is a smaller circle which guards the innermost place: The Great Void, where all things come from, the ultimate creative power, the intense pulsation of the heart space, the big forgiving, love in its purest sense. Some may call this the place of the Divine: Great Spirit, the Great Grandfather, God... From the outer circles, there are pathways into the centre. So, one of teachings of the Medicine Wheel is how to connect to the Divine - in yourself, in other people, in 'all your relations' (which is expressed by "Mitakuye Oyasin" in the Lakota Language). |
The Gifts of the Wheel
The Medicine Wheel's core beauty and teaching lie not in the different positions but in the power and potential of its dynamics: The turning of the wheel, the flow (or march) from one position to the other, the pathways to the centre.
Walking the path of the Wheel means finding the patience to stay in a position if it serves you and then summoning the courage to move on. It means surrendering to the development spiral in your life. When working with the Wheel, you will experience being a part of the complete whole; important and humble at the same time. One of the core messages of the Medicine Wheel is: Everything is connected, and when we sit or stand in the circle, there is no hierarchy. Everybody's voice is heard. Everybody's gifts are accepted and appreciated. Everybody is responsible for the connection and the sustainability of the whole. This is the true power of the circle. At the same time, everything is always on the move. The daylight changes, the seasons change, sister moon is waxing and waning. Nature changes - often unseen. Hence, we are empowered to change as well, at our own speed. We have the right and the ability to transform, we are not trapped in the past. There is no fear. We are safe on the path of the Medicine Wheel. |
How we can work with the Medicine Wheel.
The teachings of the Medicine Wheel are one of the underlying themes in most of my work.
The Wheel applies across all levels of existence - from the individual atom, to the cell, to the (human) being, and his/her relationship to the collective level. You can look at an important aspect of your life (a problem, goal, relationship, etc.) through the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel. For example - when you look at a problem from the West direction, and then the East direction, your relationship to this issue may change. |
Once you are familiar with the core directions of the wheel, you can start moving - the first careful steps are usually around the wheel. Feeding the energy of the different positions into your life. |
You will be following the pathways to the centre - approaching the Source of all, the Divine. How does this change your perspective, your inner power, your connection to all that is? |
Ancient stones.
Listen. They whisper secrets from all directions. They are standing strong in the circle. |